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Maple Wooden Stash Box - #102

This handmade wood box is constructed from maple wood. There is some slight spalting throughout the stash box (small black lines that mark the start of decay). The wood box is approximately 3 1/2" high when closed and 3" in diameter. The lid of the piece can be turned slightly to fit snug and hold any precious cargo inside, just twist the lid back and it opens easily.

The wooden stash box is finished with 100% food safe waterlox finish, giving it a beautiful high gloss appearance. This wood box could hold jewelry, food treats or even personal care products like safety pins or cotton balls. The wooden stash box is signed and numbered, #102.

Thank you for stoping by! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact.

All products used in the production of this stash box were 100% made in the USA.

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