
Tyrannosaurus Rex Wood Puzzle with Wood Burned Features

Return to the Mesozoic Era with this Tyrannosaurus Rex wood puzzle. The T-Rex is one of the most feared dinosaurs and now you can bring him into your house with a much more docile version. This wood puzzle (when completed) measures 11 ½ inches from nose to tail and about 7” from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. This puzzle is cut into 21 pieces.

All of the feature lines on the T-Rex wood puzzle are burned by hand. The mouth, eye, teeth, belly and claws were drawn in using a wood burning iron and are certain not to rub off, wear or otherwise disappear with use. The puzzle itself is made out of a 3/8” plywood to insure a long lasting and durable puzzle. The front and back of the puzzle have been finished with satin polyurethane. This finish further protects the wood puzzle from heavy use.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Facts:

- Tyrannosaurus rex means "tyrant lizard king".
- Lived during the late Cretaceous period.
- It is believed that they had a life expectancy of about 25-30 years.
- They often grew to be 40 feet long.
- Scientists believe that a T-Rex had a top speed of about 25 mph
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