
California State Puzzle - Painted with Labels

This is a wood puzzle replica of the Glolden State, California. It is made out of 1/4" handypanel and finished with a satin polyurethane. The completed California wood puzzle measures approximately 10 1/2 inches from the north west part to the southeast corner and 3 in wide in most places. The California puzzle is painted yellow with a non-toxic paint and has the state capitol and state name printed on the puzzle. There is also an orange handpainted on the puzzle.

As with all handmade wood puzzles, the exact cut of puzzle pieces may vary (this puzzle has 29 pieces). Each Berkshire Bowls puzzle comes in an eco-friendly sealed brown paper bag to keep the puzzle pieces from getting lost. I specialize in making wood puzzles of all sizes and subject matter. California is one wood puzzle featured in our U.S. collection. We just might have the perfect wood puzzle for you.

Fun facts about California:

- California is the 3rd largest US state in total area (163,696 sq mi)
- it is #1 in terms of population (a little over 37.5 million)
- it was 31st to be admitted to the union on September 9, 1850.
- The state bird is the California Valley Quail
- The official flower is the California Poppy
- Named after Califia, a mythical Spanish literary paradise
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