
Penguin Puzzle - Handmade Wood Penguin Puzzle

The penguin is a flightless bird that almost exclusively resides in the southern hemisphere. The penguin is most prevelent in Antarctica where the mean annual temperature is –70 degrees fahrenheit . Luckily you don’t have to visit Antarctica to get a penguin of your own. We are bringing the penguin to you with this penguin puzzle and room decor.

This little penguin is our own unique design. It is a composite of as many as 20 living penguin species. The penguin puzzle is about 4 ½ inches high and about 3 in wide. The penguin is comprised of 8 pieces and is a scaled down version of our larger penguin puzzle here.

The penguin puzzle is perfect for any desktop, shelf or even a nightstand. Made from 3/4 “ hardwood plywood, even the thinest parts of this guy are sturdy and should stand the test of time. Each penguin is painted with non-toxic acrylic paint and finished with shellac, a protective coat that is also not toxic.

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