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Tooth Fairy Box

Fresh off the lathe of Scott's lathe at Berkshire Bowls, Ms. Trooth Fairy has contracted these lovely little boxes for her favorite treasures: baby teeth! She is willing to take away your no longer useful tooth in exchange for a few dollars, and she loves these little boxes very much. They are cute and tiny enough for her to lift the lid off of oh, so quietly and make the exchange while you sleep! She gets tired of searching under several hundred pillows each night for those elusive baby teeth (she is very tiny and those pillows get heavy!) and would love every child to have one. It would make her job so much more pleasant, and her client's, too, since they get to wake up in the morning and know right where to check for your treasure from the Tooth Fairy!

These little boxes are the perfect gift for a little one to keep their baby teeth in while waiting for the Tooth Fairy to arrive. Buy a second one for mom to collect the little teeth, for each child. Every mom knows those sweet little chompers are so hard to get rid of, but there is never a good place to keep them, until now! The hand turned boxes, made of various woods (maple pictured), are sturdy, yet simple, easy for a child to open and close. Small enough to contain a baby tooth, yet big enough to also contain a sweet surprise, some change or folded up paper money when the tooth Fairy is feeling flush!

Each container is hand turned from wood collected in the fairy forests. The standard box is made from maple wood, but custom containers can be crafted from birch or cherry wood as well. Please contact if you would like a birch or cherry box. The Fairy Box itself is a little over an inch in diameter about 1 1/2" tall when closed and is about 1 in deep at its deepest point. Special order boxes may be customized with names or specific short phrases, like "Michael's Teeth", "Jennifer", or any other saying. The finish on the container is satin polyurethane, giving increased durability and long lasting luster.

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