
Peace Sign Puzzle, Green

Give peace a chance with this wooden, handmade peace puzzle. Specifically designed for your very own ‘green’ child, this wooden peace sign puzzle is hand painted with acrylic paints and finished with a non-toxic shellac to add long life. The peace symbol itself is 7" in diameter and each wood spoke of the peace sign is 1" thick. It is constructed from ¾” thick pine wood. The puzzle consists of 13 pieces and gradually fades from dark green at the bottom to white at the top. When completed, the puzzle is thick enough to become room décor. This piece is sure to brighten any room of the house.

The green peace sign puzzle comes in a brown paper bag to insure all the pieces stay together in the box during shipping. Each piece is hand cut and painted to insure that your puzzle will be completely unique from any other. This puzzle is sure to be passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

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