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Dinosaur Play Set

This cute and educational wooden dinosaur play set comes complete with 4 dinosaurs and one palm tree. Each pieces is hand painted and finished with a coat of polyurethane to better protect the paint from wearing off. Sizes are perfect for little hands. The following dinosaurs are included in the set (with sizes):

Stegosaurus (6 in x 2.5 in)
Triceratops (5.5 in x 2.25 in)
Tyrannosaurus Rex (3.25 in x 3 in)
Apatosaurus (5 in x 4 in)
Palm Tree (2.25 in x 3.25 in)

The exact cut, paint patterns and colors may vary slightly. Each piece is made from ¾” thick pine wood and painted with non-toxic acrylic paints. We do not suggest this set for young children due to possible choking hazards and the satin coating on the pieces (which is not rated as food safe).
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