
Jack O'Lantern Standing Wood Puzzle

Ichabod Crane would shiver at the sight of this 3D jack O’lantern puzzle. Measuring 6 ½ in. wide by 6 in. tall, this pumpkin puzzle is the ideal Halloween gift, décor, or puzzle. The jack O’lantern puzzle is made of ¾ in. hardwood plywood for added durability and long life.

The 3D pumpkin puzzle provides an excellent educational challenge for those young and old. Made up of 16 pieces, this jack O’lantern puzzle can be an entertaining diversion for everyone in the family. Each section is painted with a non-toxic acrylic paint. The entire pumpkin puzzle is finished with shellac, also not toxic.

When completed this jack O’lantern puzzle can be used as Halloween or room décor. The 3D pumpkin puzzle is completely free standing and can liven up your home, office or other area for Halloween. In fact, this jack O’lantern puzzle was specifically designed so that the eyes, nose and mouth may be removed and a light source placed behind the standing puzzle to create the added dimension of a real, lit, jack O’lantern. You can place it in your front window, on a porch or even the kitchen table to spruce up the Halloween holiday.

The name jack O’lantern comes from Irish folklore and refers to a man named Stingy Jack. He tricked the devil on several occasions and after dying, God would not let such an unsavory individual into heaven. Per the multiple ‘arrangements’ with the dark prince, Jack was not allowed into hell, either. Instead, Beelzebub, gave Jack burning coal to light his way while roaming the earth for eternity. He placed this in a hollowed out turnip and has been walking the land ever since. The tradition of carving a jack O’lantern from turnips and potatoes changed when Irish immigrants came to the pumpkin plentiful United States.

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