
Butterfly Standing Wood Puzzle and Decor, Warm Colors

This delightful butterfly puzzle and decor will enhance any room. The butterfly is over 6 1/2 inches wide and more than 5 in. tall. The butterfly puzzle is made out of 3/4 inch pine, is painted with non-toxic acrylic paint and has a protective layer of polyurethane on all surfaces for added durability. The butterfly puzzle is comprised of 5 pieces. The butterfly can serve as decor when not being worked as a puzzle.

Please note that since these are all handmade, the exact cut of the butterfly may vary from puzzle to puzzle as will the wood grain. The overall design, however, is the same.

You can have butterflies fluttering around your home year round. No longer do you have to wait for spring and summer to see a butterfly in the garden. This butterfly puzzle will do the trick every month. Decorated in warm colors to light up any place this little butterfly puzzle is made of colored rings around the butterfly’s wing. The body is one piece and hued in red.

The beauty of this butterfly is that when it is done being played with, it makes the perfect butterfly decoration. Brighten up a special person’s domicile with this butterfly puzzle and butterfly decor.

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