
Autism Awareness Charm Necklaces

Autism affects about 1 in 150 children. Many lives are impacted by this mysterious condition and finding the causes, cures and helping others understand the illness is what this month is dedicated to. This offering by Berkshire Bowls strives to raise awareness of this neurological disorder. These are a pair of blue jigsaw puzzle necklaces. They were inspired by Autism Awareness Month and are roughly 1.5 x 1.5 inches. The exact cut of the puzzle pieces may vary from the photo. Each pair of pieces will fit together. Not only does your necklace promote autism awareness, it also matches another necklace, linking two (or more) people together.

Each necklace is made of a ¼” plywood puzzle piece, painted in non-toxic acrylic paint and finished with a gloss polyurethane. A 28” black leather strap is threaded through a small hole in each piece, creating a puzzle charm on the necklace. We do take special orders for more than two necklaces, which may be made to all fit together in one larger ‘puzzle’. Please contact me for special orders. Additional necklaces are $7.50 each (in addition to the price of the first two), must be ordered as a set at the same time and will be packaged in a special order bundle.

Looking for a unique identifier for your charity team? Maybe charm necklaces for all of your family members? Trying to find something for co-workers to raise Autism Awareness? These are the perfect ‘pieces’.

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