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Hand Carved Cherry Wood Bowl with Ivy - #41

This spectacular bowl is carved from cherry wood taken from a tree nestled in the Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts. The cherry tree was downed in a 2008 ice storm. The bowl is 5 3/4" wide and 2 3/4" high. It is nearly two inches deep at its deepest point.

A bas relief of an ivy vine has been hand carved on the outside of this bowl. It is sure to be the focal point of any party or social gathering. The vine wraps around the entire outside edge of the bowl. The tool marks common to hand carved pieces are readily visible upon inspection.

The bowl is finished with a layer of 100% pure tung oil (food safe) under a final coat of satin Salad Bowl Finish by General Finishes (also food safe). The bowl is signed and numbered, #41.
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