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Hand Carved Shamrock Wooden Bowl - #93

Hand Carved Shamrock Wooden Bowl - #93
The luck of the Irish shines on this hand carved shamrock bowl. Whether you are Irish, a Notre Dame fan, a Celtics fan or just love shamrocks, this bowl is for you. This wooden bowl piece measures 5 ½ inches in diameter and is 2 1/2 inches high. It is 1 5/8 inches deep.

The stripe around the wooden bowl is painted with acrylic paint and the shamrocks are hand carved into the thin paint layer to reveal the vibrant maple wood underneath. The shamrock wooden bowl is finished with several coats of 100% food safe satin salad bowl finish. Material safety information availble on request.

The wood for this piece was taken from a tree downed in Chesterfield, MA, by a wind storm in 2010. It is signed and numbered, #93.

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