
Blue Dolphin Puzzle with Wave Pieces

This is a hand made dolphin puzzle cut into 5 pieces. Each piece is cut in the form of a wave. When completed the puzzle looks like a dolphin raising its head from the water. The pieces are colored with various shades of a blue acrylic wash. The wash presents the color without hiding the wood grain. The puzzle itself is about 7 inches tall and 3 inches wide. It is made out of 1" pine wood (3/4" of actual thickness). It is designed to be made standing up. It can, however, also be completed flat. The dophin is perfectly balanced to stand up on his fin (as though performing) when completed correctly.

This dolphin puzzle is great for children not only as a puzzle to work, but, also as room decor when not in use. Please note that some of the pieces are too small for younger children as they may present a choking hazard.

The acrylic wash is finished with satin polyurethane to provide an extra long lasting finish. This dolphin puzzle will be cherished for years to come.

Each Berkshire Bowls puzzle comes in an eco-friendly brown paper bag to keep the pieces together during shipping and also provide a neat storage container when not being worked or displayed.

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