
California State Puzzle

California State Puzzle
This is a wood puzzle replica of the Glolden State, California. It is made out of 1/4" handypanel and finished with a satin polyurethane. The completed California wood puzzle measures approximately 10 1/2 inches from the north west part to the southeast corner and 3 in wide in most places.

As with all handmade wood puzzles, the exact cut of puzzle pieces may vary. Each Berkshire Bowls puzzle comes in an eco-friendly sealed brown paper bag to keep the puzzle pieces from getting lost. I specialize in making wood puzzles of all sizes and subject matter. California is one wood puzzle featured in our U.S. collection.

Fun facts about California:
- California is the 3rd largest US state in total area (163,696 sq mi)
- it is #1 in terms of population (a little over 37.5 million)
- it was 31st to be admitted to the union on September 9, 1850.
- The state bird is the California Valley Quail
- The official flower is the California Poppy
- Named after Califia, a mythical Spanish literary paradise
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