
Massachusetts Wood Puzzle with Labels

What better way to learn your states than while having fun in puzzle format? This wood puzzle of the state of Massachusetts is made from 1/8 inch handypanel board (see below) and labeled with non-toxic acrylic paints. The Massachusetts puzzle is 24 pieces. The front is natural wood with stamped labels for “Massachusetts” and “Boston” with a star marking the location of the capital. The back of the puzzle has a Berkshire Bowls oak leaf and web address. The faces of the wood puzzle are finished with satin polyurethane finish for extra durability. The puzzle is 10 inches wide by about 5.5 inches high.

There are two versions of all state puzzles at this time. They are the same size and both have natural wood grain as a background. Version 1 is pure wood grain with no markings. This makes completion of the puzzle more difficult since you have to go by the edge of the state and no labels. Version 2 (which this puzzle is) has the state name and capital (with a star denoting its location) stamped on the face of the puzzle. Both puzzles are finished in a satin polyurethane to prevent premature wear on the puzzle.

If you do not see the state you would like, please ask. We rotate stock in and out, so, your state might not be in the store at the moment, but, available. In addition (for the same reason) if you do not see the version of the state that you would like (labeled vs. unlabeled) again, please ask. None of these puzzles (version or US state) would be considered a special order.

If you are looking for foreign countries (foreign countries to the US) you may also inquire about those. They would be special orders, however, we could make such a puzzle.

Massachusetts is ranked 44th largest of the 50 states. Which 6 states are smaller than Massachusetts? (See Below)

The Massachusetts state flower is of course the Mayflower, the state tree is the American Elm, and the most famous nickname for Massachusetts? The Bay State.

Notable people who call(ed) the Bay State home: Winslow Homer, Herman Melville, Norman Rockwell, Eli Whitney, and Ben Franklin (among many others).

Now for the states that are smaller than Massachusetts (in no particular order):

- Delaware
- New Jersey
- New Hampshire
- Vermont
- Rhode Island
- Connecticut

* Handypanel wood is similar to plywood in that it it is multiple thin sheets of wood lamenated together. In working with this type of wood, we have found that it delivers pretty grain patterns and sturdy construction, which is especially important in the case of puzzles which can have several delicate tabs and protrusions. All puzzles constructed from handypanel are finished on the front and back face with polyurethane. The edges of the pieces are not finished. This construction allows for years of normal use.

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