
Indiana State Puzzle

Indiana State Puzzle
What is better than an educational toy made to last from wood? This state of Indiana wooden puzzle is just the educational toy for young and old alike. It is made from 1/4" handypanel and measures 7 1/2 in tall by about 5 inches wide. The wooden puzzle is cut into 19 pieces making it challenging, yet, not overly so. The front and back faces of the puzzle are finished in a satin polyurethane to seal the grain and provide long lasting protection.

The beauty of this wooden puzzle is that you may elect to leave it just as it is with the wooden grain showing or can turn it into a fun afternoon project by painting it with acrylic craft paints. Either way, this wooden puzzle is the perfect educational toy and will be cherished for years.

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Fun Facts about Indiana:
- Lewis and Clark set out from Fort Vincennes on their exploration of the Northwest Territories
- The first pro baseball game was played in Fort Wayne on May 4, 1871 (yet Indiana doesn't have a Major league team.
- Indiana became a state on December 11, 1816
- State Bird: Cardinal
- State Flower: Peony
- Nickname: Hoosier State
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