
Texas State Puzzle with Capital and State Name

This wooden puzzle is a scaled down version of the great state of Texas. The Texas puzzle itself is 22 pieces, made from 1/4" handypanel wood (which is similar to a plywood) and is finished with a coat of satin polyurethane. The Texas wooden puzzle measures 8 1/2 in wide at its widest point and a little over 8 inches from top to bottom.

There are two versions of all state puzzles. They are the same size and both have natural wood grain as a background. Version 1 is pure wood grain with no markings. This makes completion of the puzzle more difficult since you have to go by the edge of the state and no labels. Version 2 (which this puzzle is) has the state name and capital (with a star denoting its location) stamped on the face of the puzzle using non-toxic acylic paint. Both puzzles are finished in a satin polyurethane to prevent premature wear on the puzzle.

If you do not see the state you would like, please ask. We rotate stock in and out, so, your state might not be in the store at the moment, but, available. In addition (for the same reason) if you do not see the version of the state that you would like (labeled vs. unlabeled) again, please ask. None of these puzzles (version or US state) would be considered a special order.

As with all handmade wooden puzzles, the exact cut of pieces may vary. Each Berkshire Bowls puzzle comes in an eco-friendly sealed brown paper bag to keep the pieces from getting lost. I specialize in making wood puzzles of all sizes and subject matter. Puzzles typically ship in 1-2 days. Texas is one wood puzzle featured in our U.S. collection. We just might have the perfect wood puzzle for you.

Fun facts about Texas:

- Texas is the 2rd largest US state in total area
- it was 28th to be admitted to the union, December 29th, 1845
- The state bird is the mockingbird
- The official tree is the Pecan
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