
Polar Bear Puzzle and Room Decor with Ice Cap Pieces

Although polar bears are one of the most dangerous bears, there is no denying their cuteness. That is why we have added this unique polar bear puzzle and décor to our line.

This polar bear puzzle is designed to be constructed standing up. When completed, the polar bear stands 4 inches tall and a little over 7 in. long. The puzzle is made from ¾” hardwood plywood which is less susceptible to breaking or cracking. The polar bear puzzle is painted with non-toxic acrylic paints and finished with shellac, a finish that is not toxic as well.

Each piece of this polar bear puzzle not only creates the shape of the polar bear, but, they also take on the shape of ice caps. They strive to tell not only the story of the polar bear, but, also the tale of its surroundings.

This polar bear puzzle and room decor does contain small pieces that may not be suitable for young children and babies. The polar bear can, however, be used as room décor until such time as the puzzle is appropriate.

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