
Ladybug Wood Puzzle and Decor

This little ‘lady’ is the perfect room decoration and educational toy for your special someone. The ladybug puzzle is made from ¾” hardwood plywood and painted with a non-toxic acrylic paint. The ladybug is finished with a shellac coat, which is also not toxic.

The ladybug puzzle is 8 ½ in. long and 5 in. wide at its thickest point. The puzzle is made up of 15 pieces.

The true beauty of this 3D ladybug puzzle is that it can be worked at a puzzle or when completed, it can serve as room decoration. The ladybug can be displayed on it’s side or up on its end (as the sample photographs reveal).

Ladybugs go by different names. They are sometimes known as lady beetles. In Europe, they are named ladybird beetles. The color and spots on a ladybug are designed to make them less appealing to predators. They also secrete a fluid that makes them taste bad. Ladybugs typically live about 1 to 3 years. Contrary to some widely held beliefs, the circles on a ladybug do not tell how old they are. A ladybug has its dots for its entire life. They do not gain or lose them as they age.

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