
Hand Painted Wood Cat Puzzle

This little fellow is a standing wood cat puzzle made from 1" pine wood (3/4" final thickness). The wood cat puzzle is 6 1/4 inches high by 5 1/4 inches wide. The wood puzzle is made up of 8 pieces colored in 4 different shades of acrylic paint and finished with a layer of satin polyurethane to protect the paint and add durability to the piece. This wood cat puzzle works great not only as an educational plaything, but also as room decor when completed. The cat stands on his own. As with all handmade puzzles at Berkshire Bowls, the exact cut of each piece may vary as every puzzle is slightly different, but, the shape remains constant. Thank you for visiting our shop, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We also do custom work if there is something you cannot find. Items typically ship in 1-2 days.
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