
Lion Puzzle and Decor

The king of the jungle can now have a special place in your house. This upright lion puzzle is a marvelous representation of the animal. Standing over 5 inches tall at his head and measuring about 6 ¼ in. long, this lion is sure to protect any domain he sees over. The lion puzzle is made from ¾” thick hardwood plywood for durability. The lion puzzle is painted with non-toxic acrylic paints and finished with a satin shellac to preserve the paint, which is also not toxic.

The lion puzzle is comprised of 6 pieces, some may present a choking hazard for young children.

Did you know?

- The Swahili name for a lion is Simba.
- Lions can go 4 or 5 days without drinking water.
- Lions can weigh up to 500 pounds.
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