
Whale Puzzle, Large

This handmade wooden whale puzzle measures almost 9 inches wide by 6 1/2 in. high. It is constructed out of 3/4" plywood material. Each piece is painted with a thin coat of non-toxic acrylic paint and finished with shellac for added durability. Each segment is shaped like a wave, and colored in various shades of blue. When completed the whale stands on his own making it not only a puzzle but also room decoration when not in use.

The whale puzzle is made up of 11 pieces. Since each whale is slightly different, the waves of this whale puzzle may be cut in different places.

If you are looking for a whale that is a little smaller, you can take a look at our 'desktop' model whale puzzle. This whale is perfect for shelves, desks, nightstands or any other cramped spots.

Whales have been an important part of many cultures throughout the world for centuries. Aside from being a facinating and giant creature, whale oil was used in lamps, candles, autos, cosmetics, detergent and even vitamins. Today, whales are primarily hunted for food. Whale meat it considered a delicacy in many countries. Even whale bones are employed as glue and fertilizer.

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