
Hot Air Balloon Puzzle - Standing Rainbow Hot Air Balloon

Let the colorful rainbow of this hot air balloon puzzle brighten your day. This hot air balloon puzzle is made up of 8 pieces. Each one is a vibrant hue of the rainbow. The hot air balloon makes the perfect room décor when completed and standing. Built from ¾” hardwood plywood the hot air balloon is sure to stand the test of time.

The hot air balloon puzzle is 6 inches tall and 4 5/8 in. wide when constructed. The hot air balloon puzzle is painted with non-toxic acrylic paints and is finished with shellac, also not toxic.

The nature of the hot air balloon puzzle and its design makes it susceptible to vibrations and may fall over if the surface it is on is bumped or otherwise jostled. The hot air balloon should be fine in an undisturbed location.

The first hot air balloon was launched in 1783. As passengers it carried a sheep, a duck and a rooster. The journey lasted 15 minutes before the hot air balloon returned to earth. The first hot air balloon flight in North America was about 10 years later in 1793.

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